Congrats to our contest winners!!

Congrats to our two ticket winners! Carollyn R. and Michael D.! You’ve each won two tickets to see The Last Five Years on July 7th. Tickets will be under your name at the box office (and seating is first come first serve, so arrive accordingly)

Both contestants, as well as many other entrants, wrote thoughtful responses to our prompt: what is a favorite relationship from your last five years? Here is what our two winners had to say.

“After 37 years, I am amazed that marriage can stay fresh! No matter how well you know a person, they are not you. Great to have a different sense of humor & perspective to bring to each day… and go with me to great shows! Thanks, Cabrillo!”– Carollyn R.

“Favorite relationship memory in the last five years: In April, my dad died of a stroke after a bout with dementia with which he suffered for the last two years of his life. During the last week at the hospital, he was in and out of consciousness, always with my mother–his wife of 65 years– at his side. She was holding his hand and t…old him that she loved him, to which he replied clearly, “I’ll bet you do”…in his best what’s-not-to-love voice and smiled at her! It made us all laugh, despite the fact that he was literally on his deathbed. It was a remarkable moment in a lifetime of devotion.”– Michael D.

Thank you to all of our entrants and keep checking back for more chances to win free tickets, as well as the latest news from Cabrillo Stage.

About cabrillostageinsider

Cabrillo Stage is a non-profit, non-union professional musical theatre company dedicated to presenting full scale Broadway musicals to the greater Monterey Bay Area. Cabrillo Stage performs on the Cabrillo College campus.

Posted on July 5, 2011, in 2011 Season, Black Box Theatre, Ticket Giveaway and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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