This two-act song-cycle by Tony Award winning composer Jason Robert
Brown ingeniously explores a five-year relationship between Jamie, a rising
novelist and Cathy, a struggling actress. Their story unfolds in two
timelines: Jamie¹s from the beginning, on the day they met, and Cathy¹s in
reverse chronological order starting from the end of their marriage. The
unique structure in the unfolding of the story brings an intriguing
complexity to this boy-meets-girl production that is poignant, funny and an
emotionally moving romance. Starring Andrew Ceglio and Ariel Buck. Intended for mature audiences only.


Click the link on the prior post in order to order tickets or visit for more information

About cabrillostageinsider

Cabrillo Stage is a non-profit, non-union professional musical theatre company dedicated to presenting full scale Broadway musicals to the greater Monterey Bay Area. Cabrillo Stage performs on the Cabrillo College campus.

Posted on July 5, 2011, in 2011 Season, Black Box Theatre, Musical Theatre, Theatre, Upcoming Shows! and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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